Train Chaser Cast

Main Cast

Name Description Other Details
Grace Monroe Grace maintains a lot of her canon Book 2-3 behaviors, but because she has a relatively better support system among her friends, she's a bit mellowed out in this AU. She prides herself on being the "de facto" leader of the friend group, and responsible for bringing everyone together.

Her initial interest in the train may have been born of pure boredom (and trying to stay out of her parents' way), but she becomes more invested in the case over time.

  • 19-20 y/o
  • bisexual
  • autistic
  • dating Emily Wong
  • Ryan Akagi Ryan is a lot more jaded/disillusioned in this AU due to the prior-TC events, and it shows on his face a lot more than he wants to believe. Music, a lifelong passion of his, continues to serve as a form of coping/escapism. When he shows up in the story, he claims to have gotten a really important gig that'll let him and Min-Gi leave their town behind for good.

    He doesn't seem particularly interested in reopening the wounds of the past by investigating the mystery of the train, but he's willing to play along for now.

  • 20 y/o
  • bisexual
  • BPD
  • dating Min-Gi Park(?)
  • Min-Gi Park Min Gi for the most part remains unchanged in this AU. He wants to remain under the town's radar and is initially skeptical about the mysterious train despite what he saw two years ago. He continues to struggle with trusting Ryan, especially since he's been gone for at least a year.

    More than anything, he just wants to be able to move on with his life and past a terrible tragedy.

  • 20 y/o
  • bisexual, transgender man
  • GAD, autistic
  • dating Ryan Akagi(?)
  • Simon Laurent Excluding his hatred of train denizens (for now), Simon maintains most of his Book 2-3 behaviors. He's coping better though (barely) and having the chance to discover himself with the help of his best friend and ex Grace.

    He is also initially skeptical about the train, but is willing to go along with the quest. Whatever gets him out of the house so he doesn't have to deal with his mom and his soon to be stepmother Joanne.

  • 20 y/o
  • asexual, genderqueer
  • BPD, autistic
  • Other Characters

    The Lockhart-Lewis Family

    Kez Lewis: She is a human version of Kez the Bell. She is in her early 20s at the time Train Chasers takes place. She'd gone missing 5 years prior to the events of Train Chasers but mysteriously returned about a month before Train Chasers began. She was Ryan and Min-Gi's babysitter when they were a lot younger, and watched over them for about 2 years before she went missing. She first appears when Grace and Ryan run into her at Joanne's charity ball. She seemed oddly fixated on the notebook the two were looking for.

    Portia Lockhart: She is the unnamed cassette girl from the end of Infinity Train:Book 4. She is around 19-20 years old at the time Train Chasers takes place. She is Kez's cousin in this AU. She is a really good friend of Ryan and Min-Gi's, and was very concerned when the two distanced themselves from everyone after the 4 kids went missing. Portia is not typically aware of what's been happening with her friends and the train (because no one wants to tell her anything). This frustrates her a lot.

    Judy Lockhart: She is a human version of the Chicken Choice Judy mascot. She is in her late 20s. Judy is Portia's half sister and Kez's cousin. She seems to be incredibly protective over Kez after her disappearance, and even forbids her to bring up anything that happened when she was gone.

    The Laurent Family

    Joanne Dupont: She is the fiance of Simon's mother, Lisa. She constantly clashes with Simon and antagonizes him when Lisa isn't around.

    Lisa Laurent: She is Simon's mother. She'd been dating various men and women since her husband died when Simon was 7 years old, which became a source of tension between them. Lisa believes as much as she loved her previous husband, she is allowed to move on and find love again if she chooses (and she's right). Simon hates the idea of anyone replacing his dad and refuses to acknowledge anyone or anything else (also fair, he was an impressionable child when he lost his dad). Lisa is aware that her husband's death and the subsequent funeral were incredibly hard on her son and tries her best to consider his feelings in this. But as Simon continues to age into adulthood, it seems her patience is wearing thin.

    Gabriel Laurent: He is Simon's late father. He died on active duty in the military. He does not have much of a presence in Train Chaser's storyline, but it is implied he and Simon were really close before he died.

    The Monroe Family

    Boahemaa "Briar" Monroe: She is Grace's mother. She is a woman of West African Descent born and raised in the United Kingdom before she traveled to the United States to marry her husband Charles and raise their child, Grace. She and her husband are well-off diplomats. She goes by Briar in professional settings, but has yet to change her legal name because of her connection with her late mother. She and Grace have a very estranged relationship, and it worsens once Grace transfers to a new school and meets Simon Laurent (and later Ryan Akagi and Min-Gi Park). At first, Briar wanted to transfer Grace out of that school and stick to having private tutors teach her, but one of Grace's caretakers managed to convince her to let Grace be as long as she continued to do well in school and stay out of serious trouble. She still does not trust any of Grace's friends (at least the ones that Briar didn't try to force a friendship between), but as long as Grace didn't make the family look bad and she was always "seen and never heard", she could "tolerate" their presence.

    Charles Monroe: He is Grace's father. He is an African American man who met his wife while studying for his doctorate. He is even less involved in Grace's life, and prefers to maintain the idea that his daughter is the perfect little golden child they raised her to be.

    The Akagi Family

    Yui Akagi: She is Ryan's mother. She is a substitute teacher at the high school Ryan and Min-Gi attended. She seems to be more trusting towards Ryan and believes that as reckless/impulsive that her son can be, he'd never intentionally do anything to harm anyone, much less younger children. She was incredibly worried when she realized he'd gone missing, and does not know he had returned.

    Kenji Akagi: He is Ryan's father. He is a mechanic. He has more of an estranged relationship with Ryan after the incident with the missing kids, where he indirectly blamed Ryan for what happened and unknowingly pushed Ryan to leave town. He does not know Ryan has come back at all.

    Riley Akagi: She is Ryan's oldest sister. She is 25 years old. She is a graduate student preparing to become a teacher. She and Ryan were close growing up, and even more so when the incident happened, but could not stop him from leaving town. She doesn’t know the reason he left.

    Ruth Akagi: She is Ryan's second oldest sister. She works at the town's bowling alley. She is 24 years old. She and Ryan were also close growing up, and when the incident happened. She doesn’t know the reason he left.

    Jacob and Jude Akagi: They are Ryan's younger brothers and twins. They are 17 years old. Both heavily looked up to Ryan and were devastated when they found out he left. Everyday they hope to see him again. Jacob is a football player and Jacob is the president of the school’s newspaper club.

    The Park Family

    Ji-Hun Park: He is Min-Gi's father. He works as an accountant for a local business. He maintains his son's innocence in the tragic incident, believing the disappearance to be a freak accident. He can be kind of hard on Min-Gi, but he knows his son's heart is always in the right place. He is concerned when Min-Gi becomes more and more closed off and distant, but wants to give him his space to grieve and recover.

    Hana Park: She is Min-Gi's mother. She works as a nurse in the nearby hospital. She also believes her son is innocent and does her best to try and make him feel better after the incident, but she's usually so unsuccessful that she's overjoyed when Min-Gi seemed to be going out again and talking to people on his own (to the point where she mistakenly thought he'd started dating Portia).

    Train Inhabitants

    4 Missing Children: Tulip Olsen, Lake Olsen (human), Jesse Cosay, and Mikayla King are the four children Ryan and Min-Gi were entrusted with on a field trip. According to Ryan and Min, while they were distracted a train showed up out of nowhere (weird because they were nowhere near a railroad) and opened up. Curious, Mikayla was the first to go through. Her friends soon followed suit, thinking they'd pull her back out before it was too late. They haven't been seen or heard from in two years. The last thing Ryan and Min saw was Tulip's arm disappearing into the portal before the doors closed and the train drove off into nothing. Not much is known about the four besides that incident.

    Blake Hoffman: Blake is a passenger on the mysterious infinity train that took the four missing children. He is 17 years old. The first person Blake runs into is Amelia when he first wakes up on the train.

    Amelia Hughes: Amelia is a passenger on the infinity train in her late 60s.

    Hazel Delano: Hazel has a number on her hand that does not seem to be activated. She is 8 and a half years old. She appears to have no coherent recollection of events prior to two years ago when she is found by Blake.

    (Hazel is also aware that she is a train denizen and has been for at least a year, but is (slightly) less traumatized about the knowledge since there's no null hating Simon Laurent around to wheel her. But she tries not to show this side of her unless under extreme stress. Blake does not know she is a train denizen, and just assumes her number is broken and wants to take her to Amelia to see what they can do about it.)

    Samantha Mulgrew: She was a passenger on the infinity train mentioned in the notebook Grace has. She was middle aged.

    Frank Dennis: He was a passenger on the infinity train mentioned in the notebook Grace has. He was middle aged.

    Randall Darby: He was a passenger on the infinity train mentioned in the notebook Grace has. He was in his mid 20s

    Alan Dracula: He was a passenger on the infinity train mentioned in the notebook Grace has. NOTE: Alan Dracula is not his real name, but the only name ever given. He was around Kez's age.

    Atticus Hudson: He was a passenger on the infinity train mentioned in the notebook Grace has. He was middle aged.

    Morgan Cho: She was a passenger on the infinity train mentioned in the notebook Grace has. She was slightly older than Kez

    Jeremy Bradford: He was a passenger on the infinity train mentioned in the notebook Grace has. He appeared to be middle aged

    Other Town inhabitants

    Chloe Martin: Chloe is one of Grace's former classmates.They did not get along since elementary school and still don't to this day. She intentionally never invited Grace to a party of hers to rub it in, and Grace responded by hiring clowns to ambush her party (which Chloe is deathly afraid of). Mrs.Monroe tried to push a friendship between these two (and Chloe's other friends) but it never worked out.

    Shanya Rousseau: Shanya is one of Grace's former classmates and part of Chloe's entourage. She appears to be shady, mocking Chloe's smile behind her back.

    Maurice Williams: He is the bodyguard of the Monroe household. According to Grace, he is a bit of a hardass when it comes to his job.

    Trudy Jones: She was Grace's main caretaker when she was younger, and the one that managed to stick around the longest despite her parents constantly hiring and firing people. She's the only adult Grace considers herself to be close to growing up. Trudy is the one that eventually got Grace to cut off her (very relaxer heavy) hair and do her hair in locs (she almost got fired for this). Grace visits her occasionally to this day despite her growing too old for a caretaker.

    Susan White: Susan is the cook for the Laurent family, and has been for years. She and Simon have a good relationship. She even considers him to be like a son to him. (She'd never tell Lisa this!)

    Emily Wong: She is Grace's girlfriend. She is 21 years old at the time Train Chasers begins. None of Grace's friends have met her yet, so they (namely Ryan) assume Grace is making her up.

    Faith Greene: She is a musician in a band that performs at Joanne's charity ball

    Naomi Wu: She is a musician in a band that performs at Joanne's charity ball

    Casey Davis: She is a musician in a band that performs at Joanne's charity ball